AfriNIC Plenary sessions (17-18 May 2012)

AfriNIC Plenary sessions (17-18 May 2012)
The plenaries are a platform for knowledge sharing, social networking and policy discussions. The main themes will be IPv6 deployment, Internet Governance, DNSSEC as well as cyber security.
Who attends?
AfriNIC meetings are open to anyone including members, ISPs, the Internet community, academia, governments and regulators.
Why attend?
- Interact with local and international speakers.
- Network with the Internet Technology industry.
- Have your say on policy proposals that may directly affect the way your -organization accesses Internet number resources, or you can present your own proposals.
- Hear world-class speakers discuss cutting-edge Internet resource management research
- Increase your knowledge regarding Internet Number Resource Management and IP networking operations.
- Learn about best practice in Internet resource management to make your business more efficient.
- Meet AfriNIC staff and the community.
- Participate in our policy discussions.
Who will you meet?
- Surely a bunch of geeks!
- Local and internal operators
- IT Solution Providers
- Policy makers
- CIOs and IT Managers from the public and private sectors
- Government bodies
- ISPs
- Local and internal operators
- Local and international media
- Tech enthusiasts
- Leaders and decision makers in the IT industry