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Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version. If you want to contribute to improving this translation please contact us at webmaster at afrinic dot net

Always working towards connecting
millions of Africans to the world
Together with you

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Day 4
PPM Day-2

Public Policy Meeting 2

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Day 3
PPM Day-1

Public Policy Meeting 1

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Day 2
Tech Day

Tech Day

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Day 1


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Total Participants
Unique Sessions

AFRINIC-34 successfully concluded on November 18th 2021, providing a platform for delegates to deliberate and address the following key questions:

1. What strategies can be used to drive IPv6 Deployment throughout the continent?

ISPs in Africa have to uptake IPv6 with IPv4 depletion impending, whereas this protocol offers a viable solution in supporting technologies such as IoT, IAAS, AI, VR, and blockchains, that are shaping the future of our digital economy. While IPv6 deployment is relatively simple from an engineering point of view, many businesses in Africa have yet to embark on the path of deploying IPv6. For the sustained growth of our digital space and economy, Governments, Businesses, ICT Regulators, and End Users have to get prepared for v6.

Speakers are invited to share valuable experience on strategies for deploying IPv6 strategies from their perspectives.

2. How Internet infrastructure can be improved and expanded to ensure low cost, resilient and secure Internet access and keep our content and traffic local?

In spite of the increasing availability of the Internet around the world, only 43% of the global population has Internet access. If gaps persist between those who access the Internet’s opportunities and those who do not, there is a risk of increased social and economic inequality. This part of the conference will address initiatives that support universal and affordable access to the Internet. Regional initiatives on issues relating to Internet access, cost, and security are addressed through presentations on topics such as peering, telecommunication infrastructure, connectivity, and cyber security.

3. How to ensure affordable, always-on Internet access for all so that all African citizens can reach their potential?

To ensure sustainable growth of a stable, secure, and robust Internet, it is vital that Governments, Civil and Technical societies along with all other stakeholders engage in dialogues and forums regarding the Internet, the development, and related issues on how the Internet should be managed. Several governments continue to shut down the Internet, depriving citizens of their right to use the Internet to fulfill their potential.

AFRINIC-34 | Online

AFRINIC exists to expand the Internet for the sustainable development of Africa. One of the prominent ways in which AFRINIC implements this vision is through major events held around the continent to champion this debate. It is for this reason that AFRINIC will be holding the 34th series of these meetings. Dubbed AFRINIC-34, the meeting will take place from 15 - 18 November 2021 online.

AFRINIC-34 is a follow-up to the African Internet Summit 2021 (AIS21) that was held online from 31 May to 4 June 2021. It was held in collaboration with ISPA-DRC. Over 370 participants from 55 countries attended the summit that consisted of in-depth policy development discussions, training courses, workshops, tutorials, plenary sessions, and panel discussions. Some key highlights of the event included discussions on inclusivity and diversity in ICT, cyber security, IPv6, blockchain, and peering efforts to strengthen key internet infrastructure to keep the content and traffic local.

Connectivity Sponsor

Emtel Mauritius

Technical Presentation Sponsors

Meta (Facebook)

Team Cymru

African ISP Category Sponsors

DNS Africa