8h00-9h00 |
Registration |
Welcome and recap
Hisham Ibrahim/Acting Communications Area Manager, AfriNIC
Facebook update on V6 Day
Donn Lee, Sr. Network Engineer Facebook
9h30-09h45 |
Board Election Procedures
Nomination Committees
9h45-10h10 |
Board electoral candidates presentations |
Electoral Candidates
10h10-10h30 |
Morning Tea |
10h30-11h30 |
Interconnecting Africa Hour
10h30-10h45 |
AfriNIC and Critical Internet Infrastructure in Africa |
Nishal Goburdhan/Technical Operations Area Manager, AfriNIC
10h45-11h00 |
IXPs in Africa |

Bill Woodcock,
Research Director Packet Clearing House

11h00-11h15 |
A framework for interconnection |
Darren Bedford, Product Manager Gateway Communications
11h15-11h30 |
Open discussions |
11h30-12h30 |
Security Hour
11h30-11h45 |
Understanding and meeting the new challenges of cybersecurity |
Benoit Morel

11h45-12h00 |
Alain Aina, Acting CEO AfriNIC
12h00-12h15 |
Bill Woodcock |
12h15-12h30 |
DNSSEC and RDNS zones |
Mark Elkins |
12h30-12h45 |
12h45-13h00 |
Open Discussion |
13h00-14h30 |
Lunch |
Public Policy Discussion
16h00-16h20 |
Afternoon tea |
16h20-16h45 |
BIND 10 and DNSSEC for Humans
Paul Vixie
16h45-17h30 |
ICANN/NRO/RIR updates |
ICANN - Anne-Rachel Inné, Manager Regional Relations, Africa
ARIN- Leslie Nobile, Director of Registration Services
RIPE - Ingrid Wijte, Registration Services Assistant Manager
LACNIC- Arturo Servin
APNIC - Sanjaya, Services Director |
17h30-17h45 |
Open mic
17h45-18h00 |
Election results + Survey results + Closing |