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Policy discussion sessions
continued on this fourth day of AFRINIC-31

The policy discussion sessions continued on this fourth day of AFRINIC-31. Participants, both onsite and remote, participated and contributed to the animated discussions throughout the day. Seven policies were discussed.

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The third day, Wednesday, 4 December kicked off with updates from AFRINIC

Madhvi Gokool provided updates on statistics for membership, resource allocations, transfers and for services such as RPKI and IRR uptake. Madhvi indicated that trends show that AFRINIC will get to phase 2 by the end of this year. She also talked about member helpdesk, with BPKI requests, contact update, and IRR assistance.

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Hon. José Carvalho da Rocha, the Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technologies at the official opening ceremony

Hon. José Carvalho da Rocha, the Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technologies at the official opening ceremony

Tuesday, 3 December started with the Opening ceremony not only to welcome delegates to Luanda but to the meeting. Mr Christian Bope, the AFRINIC Chair stressed the importance of embracing IPv6 as Africa seeks to join the rest of the world in advancing Internet connection in the face of IPv4 exhaustion. Mr Bope introduced AFRINIC's new CEO Eddy Kayihura to the AFRINIC and African and global Internet community. Eddy took to the floor to tell the gathering what AFRINIC has achieved in the last 15 years of its existence, and its ambition to digitally light up Africa.

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Previous AFRINIC Meetings
