
AFRINIC exists to expand the Internet for the sustainable development of Africa. One of the prominent ways in which AFRINIC implements this vision is through major events held around the continent to champion this debate. It is for this reason that AFRINIC will be holding the 27th series of these meetings. Dubbed AFRINIC-27, the meeting will take place from 27th November 2017 to 1st December 2017 in Lagos, Nigeria.

AFRINIC-27 is a follow-up to the African Internet Summit (AIS) 2017 that was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 20th May to 2nd June 2017. It was held in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology under the leadership of Cabinet Secretary Hon. Joe Mucheru and the Technology Service Providers of Kenya (TESPOK). Over 600 participants attended the summit, which consisted of in-depth policy development discussions, training courses, workshops, tutorials, plenary sessions and panel discussions. Some key highlights of the event included discussions on the global control of the Internet and the recent transfer of the oversight of the IANA functions; efforts to strengthen key Internet infrastructure to keep content and traffic local, as well as the adoption of IPv6.

The meeting is also a follow-up to AFRINIC-25 that was held in Mauritius in November 2016 in collaboration with the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation. Over 200 delegates from 38 countries across the globe discussed, among other items, cyber security and how to keep Africa’s networks safe.

For more information on AFRINIC-27 please read the Concept note