About AFRINIC-18
AFRINIC-18 kicks off on 15 June in Lusaka Zambia. The AFRINIC Meeting consists of three days of technical training, and one day dedicated to Internet Operators in the African region. Operators on this day provides insights on the various challenges and opportunities, and share relevant experiences on ICT technical and business related issues. This Day is followed by two days of plenaries where the African ICT community discusses on Internet policy issues with regard to resources management in the African region. In addition internationally renown speakers make presentations on relevant technical and Internet governance issues. This is also the occasion when AFRINIC gives its operational updates.
The AFRINIC-18 Meeting includes a Social Event on 19 June where various international ICT stakeholders join peers to network.
The NI&I Service award is also held during this Event. The Award recognises the exceptional accomplishment of people who have contributed to Internet development in the region.