Located 3 km from the International Airport on Africa Road close to the renowned Afra Mall, Al Salam Rotana
is 15 minutes away from downtown Khartoum.
Rotana Sales Offices
Abu Dhabi: +971 (0)2 697 9071
Beirut: +961 (0)1 371 888
Cairo: +20 (0)2 690 7854
Damascus +963 11 666 4003
Dubai: +971 (0)4 705 4508
Frankfurt: +49 (0)69 959 139656
India: +91 (0)11 416 48955
Kuwait: +965 242 3275
London: +44 (0)207 702 4189
Al Salam Rotana,
P.O. Box: 12290, Khartoum, Sudan
T: +249 187 007 777
Fax: +249 187 007 788
Email: alsalam.hotel@rotana.com