Daily Recap - 2 December 2019

Welcome to AFRINIC-31 in Luanda! Kicking off, the meeting has been in full swing, with plenty of training sessions and co-located meetings to keep everyone busy. Below you'll find a short overview of what's been happening on the first day, Monday, 2 December. Around 200 participants joined us at the start of the event at the HCTA, where highlights included workshops and the AfGWG Forum. 

The session for New Participants 

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AFRINIC's CEO Eddy Kahiyura welcoming AFRINIC-31 newcomers

The morning began with a session for newcomers attended by more than 50 participants. Brice Abba, the Community Development Manager, welcomed everyone to the event and presented a brief overview of AFRINIC and its activities. Other interventions included AFRINIC's Resource Update by Madhvi Gokool, updates from the Research and Innovation department, a report on support to NOGs and fellowship by Brice Abba.


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Participants at the AfricaCERT session

The hands-on course Incident Response & CSIRT Intro was offered in the form of a workshop by AfricaCERT. The session, conducted by IT security expert Choolwe Nabubamba, offered knowledge and experiences key to the understanding of the whole incident response lifecycle, from incident detection through various escalation levels until the implementation of mitigation measures and post-incident activities. The course incorporated practical exercises and cases, groupwork exercises and discussions.

The AFRINIC Resource Member Training began in parallel and continued throughout the rest of the morning and the entire afternoon. Led by James Chirwa, the tutorial examined Internet Number Resources, the WHOIS database, AFRINIC Services and Policies.


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Abiade Dosunmu moderating a session on cybersecurity and data protection

The AFRINIC Government Working included presentations by Mr Meick Afonso, Director of INFOSI and Arthur Cardinal Head of Stakeholder Engagement at AFRINIC. This was followed by two panel discussions on Cybersecurity and Data Protection in Africa, and Role of governments in Africa's Digital Economy transformation. Thereafter, two sessions -  on policies and on sharing experiences for countries on Internet development - were held.

Sponsors cocktail

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Mr Lucky Masilela, from DotAfrica, an AFRINIC-31 sponsor. 

The day ended with a cocktail for AFRINIC-31 sponsors. It was the opportunity for AFRINIC to thank sponsors who were present.

A big thank you to all our sponsors.

Members booth

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The AFRINIC Member Services booth is situated right in front of the main doors to the plenary room.

AFRINIC members are invited to consult AFRINIC staff where they can make enquires regarding any topic related to AFRINIC membership and services.

The booth is open all week from 9:00 to 17:30. 

Stay Informed!

  • Don't forget, you can also keep up-to-date by following our Twitter account (tag your photos and comments with the #AFRINIC31 hashtag), liking our Facebook page and following our Flickr account. 

  • View the Agenda.


What's next

We invite you to join us tomorrow for the official Opening Ceremony. The ceremony, on Tuesday, 3 December, and we'll head straight into plenary sessions afterwards, as of 11:00 (AUT). 

We also remind you that you can visit the AFRINIC booth, where throughout the week we will be providing information about AFRINIC services and activities.

Stay tuned for our daily recaps!
Thanks for reading,
